My Name is…. Dan Bogdan
I ride…. YZ250F
I live in…. Estell Manor
I am …. 23 years old
My Family…. is solid and very supportive
My occupation is…. Linux Administrator / Student I graduate in May
Favorite food…. Cheesesteaks
Favorite Drink…. Water or Iced Tea
I can’t live without… Riding
The last thing I do before a moto is…. Check to make sure my gas is on
Favorite TV show…. Family Guy
Favorite movie…. Rad
Favorite website…. NJ Motocross and RacerX
My goal for 2010 is to… Go back to Lorettas
I’d like to thank…DHY, Skitzi, Jardine, Williams Motowerx, MGX, Active Ride and Tony D MX Schools
I race motocross because…. It’s the most fun I have ever had.