I recently found these scans in an old file and don’t think they were ever shared on NJ Motocross, so here they are. I’m not sure where they come from so I apologize to whoever sent them to me.
Moto-Action News from 1974.

Posted by Scott Lukaitis | Nov 1, 2024 | Archives, Flashback, History, The 70's
I recently found these scans in an old file and don’t think they were ever shared on NJ Motocross, so here they are. I’m not sure where they come from so I apologize to whoever sent them to me.
Moto-Action News from 1974.
Chief content and creative producer for NJMotocross. Powersports and Racer Marketing Professional - Photographer - Writer. Independent consulting organization specializing in powersports and racer marketing and promotions. Additional services include Motorcycle Industry Management, Action Sports Photography, Social Media Marketing, Relationship Marketing, Journalism, Public Relations, Press Relations and Marketing, Powersports Marketing, New Media Marketing. Lukaitis Consulting can get you, your company or event the attention it needs to be successful.